Monday, January 22, 2007

Walking by Another's Judgment

Here below is part of today's reading from the Rule of Benedict. Who understands such thoughts in these times? I don't mean, who has a monastic inclination to walk the way an Abbot instructs, but who has a vocation of listening for, and responding immediately to, the voice of God?

In my household, we call to each other asking for help on this or that, and the response is often, "Just a minute! Don't you know I'm busy!" I am the worst offender. I wonder how often God has called to me, and I've delayed answering? I wonder if we finally stop listening to God and don't even notice what God asks any more, or does God just call out louder and louder until we get it? I hope it's the latter. I would rather be annoyed with God's voice than content with God's silence.

not living according to their own choice
nor obeying their own desires and pleasures
but walking by another's judgment and command,
they dwell in monasteries and desire to have an Abbot over them.
Assuredly such as these are living up to that maxim of the Lord
in which He says,
"I have come not to do My own will,
but the will of Him who sent Me" (John 6:38).